Friday, September 2, 2011


Tom has been off dove-hunting with friends the past two days.

I'm happy for him just because he was so excited about going - I don't think he has hunted anything in the 30 years we've been together, but I know the "want to" was there, sort of like my "want to" with photography, writing a book, learning to play the drums... the kind of "want to" that's easy to set aside because it feels like such an indulgence and there are so many other things you need to do first...

So I'm happy for him.
But I don't wish him good luck.

I can't stop thinking of my goofy dove friends down the road, 

the ones who greet me every morning from their wire perch as I walk by with the puppies

and leave crazy tracks in the dirt that make me laugh..

I'm happy for Tom.

But I hope no one comes dove hunting in Long Hollow.


  1. i totally understand this! and i LOVED the tracks in the sand and rocks! beautiful!!!

  2. I don't get hunting as a sport but I do realize that how I feel is more of an emotional reaction than intellectual. Honestly, I've never even heard of hunting for doves before. They are lovely creatures but really, have to be among the dumbest birds on the planet. Is there truly a challenge to hunting them?

    Your photos are fun.. love the tracks.

  3. Oh, this brings to mind a company Dove Shoot I went to many years ago and just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. I won't write down what I saw. I'll just say it was very, very cruel and gruesome.

  4. OH, I agree...I'm not into hunting. Love these charming shots.

    And that hawk in your previous post?! Just amazing!

  5. LOL @ Hilary! Poor doves. I hope Tom has fun but is unsuccessful. They're such sweet little birds.

  6. I love the little dove tracks in the sand. Such fun markings among the pebbles. Let us hope everyone stays away from your sweet birds!
    Happy Sunday!
    xo Catherine

  7. Thanks, everyone. Hilary, I agree with you - not much of a sport in my opinion!! My doves haven't greeted me the past two mornings - I'm hoping they just found some smarts and a place to hide.

  8. Wonderful! I love the way you inserted the bird tracks into the story, and the sequence that has the bird flying off at the end. You are a very talented lady x

  9. Oh, I know what you mean, especially since these are one of my very favorite birds.

    These are great photos Barbara!

  10. Oh, so understand ... hope no doves are found!


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