Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Playing Chicken

Last month, on a quick trip to Houston, I made my usual stop in Ellinger for a coffee refill.

This cute couple had taken over the side parking lot. 

Right away, I thought of my Frankie bird, my pet guinea, may he rest in peace. 

So I had to stop and chat with them before heading on my way. 

Mister Dominique was showing off something fierce, 
crowing loud and strong even though the sun was high in the sky.

I just can't resist a pretty feather and beady eye... 

Yes, people were probably pointing and laughing at the crazy woman in the parking lot, talking to the chickens and taking their pictures.
I just ignored them.

(Don't tell him I said this, but, handsome as he is, Dominique just isn't quite as cute as my Frankie.)


  1. they really are a beautiful couple! i do hope they'll be safe!

    1. I do, too! I was nervous backing out of there!

  2. I got spurred by a rooster when I was little. The next day... chicken and dumplings!

  3. They are so pretty ... I would have had a long conversation with them!

    1. Aren't they gorgeous? I chatted with them long enough to draw stares from other patrons. :)

  4. Aww lol. I'm glad you're that crazy woman. What a crazy scene to happen upon. :)

    1. I'm glad I'm that crazy woman, too, the one who doesn't care that other people are pointing and laughing. lol

  5. Frankie popped into my mind the second I saw this. I miss seeing him in your posts. (Maybe he and Simon have met and are now buds) Great photo op, you crazy chicken lady! :-)

    1. Don't their feathers remind you of his? I love to think of him and Simon off on a walk together. :)

  6. Barbara,
    What a hoot! Two chickens in a parking lot? wonder what they were doing there.
    Good that you had your camera! I love this!



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