Despite good intentions, I haven't been able to keep up with two blogs now that I'm running a real estate business.
I have been more intentional about sharing my 'sweet!'s on Long Hollow lately. I'm up to at least one post a month... sometimes one every two weeks.
Not where I want to be, but it's an improvement!
Maybe, in time, I'll be able to work "Confessions" back into my schedule, too.
I'm certainly not going to close the door on it.
But for now, please hop over to Long Hollow for my musings and photos, or to Your Austin Sweet Austin Home for all things regarding real estate. (Bear with the real estate blog - it's in the infant stage! That time thing!)
Thanks to all of you who followed along for so long. I do intend to be back.
(Thanks to Jill and Jennifer, blog and photography friends, who contributed to this motivating collage on my office wall! I've been blessed to meet so many gifted and generous photographers and writers here.)
Wherever you may be, it is always such a pleasure to visit with you, my friend!
Ah, thank you, sweet Lisa!!