Monday, January 28, 2013

Night Dance

Twirling and swirling scarves of gray and gold, 
the full moon dances across night's stage. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ten from January

Do you ever get bogged down by photos? 

I haven't had a lot of time to post, but I never stop snapping.

It can be a problem!

Here are a few I want to share with you from the past few weeks... 

My sweet Belle. A pile of sand is heaven to her!

Is it just me or is there a person trying to get out of this dead tree?
It reminds me of a ship's masthead.

Winery gift shop wisdom

If these Diva wine koozies were for sale, I'd buy them all!

Sunset on the way home from work, (iPhone 3 via Instagram)

I stood and watched the sun bring the colors of these trees to life, by way of their reflection in the pond.

Max is running!

I just love old cedar posts and barbed wire.

And silhouettes of trees against the sky.

This is how we heat our whole house, even on frosty mornings, thanks to my design-genius husband.

Monday, January 7, 2013


"Good morning, gorgeous," the sun said with a wink.

And the hollow blushed. 

(Mindful Writing Challenge small stone #6)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Challenges of a New Year...

As if the new year isn't bringing enough challenges my way, 
I've decided to join 


with a few Flickr friends I met while participating in past challenges.

(Pssst... Are you on Flickr? Would you like to join us on Weekly Postcards?
Let me know and I'll send you an invitation!)

(Pssst #2...I just discovered my friend Jill at She Who Carries Camera is doing her own 52 photo challenge with word prompts she came up with. If you need ideas, check out her list HERE.)

I'm telling myself the challenges will help me pay closer attention to my photography and help me grow and learn...
...and I think it will.

But I also think it might just be escapism.


At any rate, here we are on Week 1/Day 2, and I'm not even behind yet!

Max times 2

Faded Beauty

And this is just an extra one from New Year's Eve...

My word for 2013 is FAITH.
Did a word choose you?